
Principle Investigator

Dr. Yasmine Abdin

Assistant Professor

Postdoctoral Fellows

Parya Keyvani

Post-Doctoral Fellow | Material Transformations

I earned my Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and currently work as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UBC.

I transform low-value materials, such as asphaltene, into high-end products such as composites with a specific focus on carbon fiber development.

UBC Graduate Students

Kevin Oesef

PhD Candidate | Cellulose Composites

I graduated from UBC Materials Engineering in 2022, and now I’m a PhD student under Dr. Yasmine Abdin and Dr. Emily D. Cranston.

My research is on the processing and surface modification of cellulose nanofibrils for use as epoxy composite reinforcements.

Jialin Zhang

PhD Student | GO Flax Treatment

I earned my Master’s degree in wood products processing from UBC’s Faculty of Forestry. Now, I’m a PhD student in materials engineering.

I enjoy sewing and handcrafting, allowing me to balance my technical research with creative and hands-on activities.

Olivia Margoto

PhD Student – Mitigating Forming Defects

I started my studies in composite materials during my undergrad degree and I loved it.

Outside the lab, I like spending time outdoors or baking. I have travelled around the world, and my suitcase is always ready for new adventures.

Sheena Yan

MASc Student | Flax Fibre Elium

I did my bachelor in Manufacturing Engineering at UBC. My hometown is Shanghai, China.

I am a student of NET0MM-CREATE: Net-Zero in Material and Manufacturing program. I play the Tenor Saxophone and I enjoy knitting.

Archer Wang

MASc Student | Carbon Nanofibres

I began my academic journey as an undergraduate student majoring in materials engineering at the prestigious UBC.

Beyond my academic pursuits, I have diverse interests that include playing video games, biking, and playing the violin.

Zachary Li

MSc Student | GO Flax Treatment

I completed my undergraduate degree in biochemistry at UBC. Now, I’m a M.Sc student in Materials Engineering.

Outside of research, I enjoy fencing, reading, board and video games, and piano. I hope to travel to Japan and Hawaii in the upcoming years!

Research Assistants

Abhinab Sarma

Research Assistant | GO Flax Treatment

I’m an engineer with a knack for getting hands-on in manufacturing and design. I’ve tinkered with everything from fuel cell stack materials to composite aerostructures.

Whether it’s chemical analysis, designing test fixtures, or troubleshooting vacuum infusions, I’m all about getting the job done right with innovative solutions.

Colton Routtenberg

Research Assistant | Flax Fibre Elium

I got my Materials Engineering degree from UBC, while focusing on composites through work and projects. I enjoy creative, outside-of-the-box problem solving.

Outside of school and work, I enjoy playing the guitar, learning languages, fitness, and most recently, fishkeeping. I have a couple aquariums of many different fish, frogs, and shrimp.

UBC Undergraduate Students

Aum Wagh

Work Learn Student

I am currently an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in Materials Engineering, with an interest in composite materials.

In my free time, I like to skateboard, watch movies, delve into photography, hike, and engage in other hobbies that bring me joy and relaxation.

Jawad Makki

Co-op Student

I’m an undergraduate student in Engineering Physics, with a particular interest in becoming more specialised in materials.

Outside of academia, I enjoy hiking, playing chess, coding, and playing board games or card games with friends. I also love to volunteer with the Engineering community.